09 June 2008

They're still alive... and still mighty tasty!

Look! It's Fox Mulder and Dana Scully! I know, I was shocked as well. The amount of nostalgia that's been flowing back into my life in the past few weeks has been incredible, and here's another to add to the pile.

The X-Files started when I was a wee 8 year old. I started watching the show with my parents right after we had moved from Spring Valley to Nyack. I can honestly say that, back then, the show used to creep the bejesus out of me! But I loved every second of it. I also had some serious crush-itude on BOTH of these folks right here; David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. In fact, Gillian was probably my first real attraction to someone of the same gender. (Insert profound, life changing experience here).

So, here they are 15 years later, coming out with a new X-Files movie on July 25th! I'm super psyched, but I do have a couple concerns. A) Does anyone even remember the X-Files!? (I sure hope so). B) If they try to put all the backstory in to bring new viewers up to date, the new storyline will compose a total of 10 minutes (or less) of the film. C) If they make Mulder and Scully finally "do it"... what will we all have to look forward to. (Fantasy ruined). Nowadays, David is still on TV (and pushing 50) and Gillian is doing stage work (and pushing 40). They both have families and children and all that great, grown up crap.

But in general, I think the walk down memory lane is going to be a blast, so I'm going to dig up my old (hand knitted) X-Files vest which sports some of the famous slogans of the show embroidered on it and go to the theatre on July 25th with my +1.